Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kalimah Allah untuk mudahkan murtad

 Posting kali ini mungkin agak berkaitan dengan hal isu politik dalam negara,  tidak keberatan jika saya  ingin mengaitkannya. 

Ketika umat Islam di Malaysia leka dengan 'perjuangan' politik hingga mengabaikan tuntutan dakwah, mubaligh-mubaligh Kristian bersungguh-sungguh menjalankan aktiviti pemurtadan orang-orang Islam. 

Projek mubaligh Kristian di bawah Joshua Project kelolaan kumpulan U.S. Center for World Mission telah dengan teliti memprofailkan masyarakat Malaysia.Penggunaan nama Allah adalah taktik memurtadkan umat Islam. Arbibi Ashoy menulis di Malaysiakini bahawa taktik yang sama yang diguna oleh Gereja Katolik di Indonesia digunakan di Malaysia, berikut:

There is suspicion that the Catholic Church in Malaysia is using the same tactic used by the Dutch Catholic missionaries in Indonesia. Since Islam came to Indonesia at an earlier period and the Indonesians had already embraced Islam, the Dutch missionaries used phrases common in Islam in order to attract Muslims in Indonesia by making them feel familiar and comfortable with Christianity.

These included the use of terms like ‘Allah’, ‘Baitulmal’, ‘rezeki’, ‘al-Masih’, etc.
Tambahnya lagi, niat jahat Gereja Katolik ini dibenci oleh penganut agama lain dan tidak disenangi oleh penganut Kristian sendiri. Baca berikut:
In Malaysia, on the other hand, the British, who are Protestants, did not engage in proselytising and left the Malay sultans to handle issues of religion.

The fact is that proselytising amongst Muslims is banned in Malaysia. Actually, proselytising by Catholics has offended many which is why it is also banned in many Christian Orthodox countries like Greece.

Proselytising by Catholic Christians towards Orthodox Christians became a source of enmity in the past that eventually led to the adoption of the Balamand Declaration.

Perhaps in Malaysia, Christians and Muslims should adopt something like the Balamand Declaration and agree on the use of terminology for each religion.

Mubaligh-mubaligh Kristian mengakui keberkesanan buku-buku yang ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu, berikut:
In December 1981 the government imposed a ban on the sale and distribution of the Alkitab (Bible) and the Perjanjian Baru (New Testament). Both publications of the Christian scriptures in the Indonesian language, which bears close similarities with the Malay language, had been imported from Indonesia since the mid-1970s. They were extremely popular with the younger generation of Malaysian Christians who have been educated largely in the Malay language.

- Christian Mission in Malaysia: Past Emphasis, Present Engagement & Future Possibilities
Dari tulisan di atas, siapakah yang dimaksudkan sebagai “younger generation of Malaysian Christians who have been educated largely in the Malay language”? Iban? Kadazan? Yang pasti, termasuklah Melayu sendiri!

Sejak tahun 1985, gereja-gereja di Malaysia yang sering bercanggah pendapat antara satu sama lain telah mengenepikan persaingan antara mereka untuk bersepakat dalam memperjuangkan penggunaan kalimah 'Allah'. Bible Society of Malaysia melaporkan berikut:

Baca Utusan SINI 
The Use of “Allah”

In respecting the unanimous decision of the Heads of Malaysian Churches both in the 1985 meeting (sponsored by the Bible Society of Malaysia) as well as in the 1989 Kuching Consultation of the Heads of Churches (sponsored by the Christian Federation of Malaysia) for keeping the name ‘Allah’, BSM as the servant of the Malaysian churches felt obliged to honour that decision.

Keputusan sebulat suara ini bukan sesuatu yang sukar difahami kerana penggunaan kalimah 'Allah' memang jelas adalah strategi mubaligh Kristian untuk memurtadkan umat Islam. Strategi tersebut dinyatakan oleh kumpulan Internet Evangelical Coalition di laman web People of the Book, berikut:
We believe that it can be very effective to use the Quran as a tool to share concepts that are familiar and acceptable to Muslims, and that support Biblical principles. There are many concepts that are very compatible with the Bible and there are other Quranic teachings that may actually be totally misunderstood by most Christians and Muslims. Of course, the Scriptures are the ultimate authority in everything pertaining to doctrine and lifestyle.

We believe that it is perfectly acceptable to use the name Allah, both in the Bible that we use to minister to Muslims, as well as materials that we distribute.

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